Dear Trinity Wesleyan Church Family, 

 From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each of you for the incredibly warm reception my family and I received this past Sunday. Your vote of confidence in calling me to serve as your next Senior Pastor is not only a great honor but a profound encouragement. We are filled with excitement and anticipation for what God has in store for all of us together at Trinity Wesleyan. 
 The process of transitioning from one church to another requires careful planning and patience. We are currently working on establishing a timeline and start date, and we look forward to sharing those details with you very soon. 
 As I shared in my message, while we may not have all the answers, we rest in the assurance that we serve the One who does. What God is orchestrating here at Trinity is poised to be truly amazing. During this time of transition, I encourage each of us to embrace these four pivotal steps:
      1. Embrace God’s New Thing  
      2. Recognize the Potential Within, 
      3. Trust in Jesus,
      4. and Be Led by the Holy Spirit. 
Last Sunday marked the beginning of a new season that God has meticulously planned for us. It will require all of us, united in spirit and purpose, to move forward together.
 I want to ask everyone to persistently pray, serve, seek, and cling to Jesus both personally and collectively. This is how we will grow together in faith and impact our community as He intends. 
 I am eagerly looking forward to getting to know each of you and your families in the coming months. Let’s go do big God things together! 
 With heartfelt thanks and great anticipation,
 Rev. David Bunn