Luke 2:11 NLT

The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!"

It's only a few more days until Christmas! Since I was a kid Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. My brother Mark and I would get up so early on Christmas morning waiting for mom and Papa Doug to get up. We would make noise hoping to wake them up. It seemed like for Mom that was the only day of the year she slept into the late hour of 6am.

Growing up learning that Christmas wasn't about gifts under a tree but Christmas is about the Gift of our Father God's Salvation! I remember opening the gift my Father God gave me. It was December 9th 1993 on a Thursday morning, very early, that Jesus saved me. My Mom was there along with Pastor Thom England. Pastor Richard Watson was also there. They helped me open (understand) that Jesus is here to save you!

Thank You Father for the greatest of gifts. You gave to us Jesus! Enjoy this Christmas season.

With love in my heart for you, in Christ!

Pastor Michael Brady