I will be your strength (Philippians 4:13)
I will never leave you (Hebrews 13:35)
I have plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11)
I will fight for you (Exodus 14:14)
Joshua 21:45 NIV Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.(2 2 Corinthians 1:20 NIVFor no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
Point 1God's Word is True - When God Speaks His Words are a Foundation of Truth
A God is A Promise-Keeper - God is not a man who lies, nor who changes His mind.
B God is A Reliable Source - We can trust in God's promises, knowing that He will fulfill them
Point 2. God's Word is Powerful
Point 3. God's Word is Relevant
Point 4. God's Word is source of Hope!
Conclusion: God’s Word Produces Peace, Assurance and Hope
Reflection Question: How has God kept His promises in your life? _______________