Your littles are so loved here at Trinity! One time some people brought their children to Jesus to have him place his hands on them and to pray for them. The disciples of Jesus tried to make the parents doing this to stop and go away but Jesus rebuked his disciples. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Yes we believe the Kingdom belongs to children too! You as a parent can rest knowing that your littles are loved and safe here at Trinity. We believe teaching them even at the earliest of ages that Jesus Is the Subject...while at the same time having fun with them with all sorts of activities. Our children's ministry is involved in summer camps, weekly Bible lessons, plays designed for kids, Vacation Bible School, special outings to show them how to love on people and many other kid friendly things. We even have bounce houses and games just for fun from time to time. The Kingdom of God is for children today!